Rakesh Mijling

Kundalini Activation

Unlock and Remember your Deepest Potential within

Kundalini is a unique and powerful type of energy that everyone has, coiled at the base of the spine. This energy is often depicted as a coiled serpent, lying dormant until it is awakened. A Kundalini Activation is a gentle but powerful transmission of pure source energy that resonates with your own kundalini energy. This can lead to spontaneous movements and vocal expressions as your body releases suppressed emotions such as anger, sadness, and joy.The flow of kundalini energy can also activate our sexual energy, allowing it to move freely throughout the body.

Kundalini awakening is a profound journey of awareness, surrender, and self-realization, igniting a deeper alignment with your true nature and the essence of existence. It is a natural and intuitive energetic process, which does not use any resources. The more you manage to let go of your expectations and control, the easier it is to surrender to the flow of energy in the moment.

During the kundalini session you lie on a yoga mat. Music is played to support you in the process. Ymke and Melissa intuitively touch you at certain points on the body. All that is asked of you is to relax your body and mind in order to surrender to the process so everything that occurs can be experienced. Are you ready to step into your full potential?


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