Rakesh Mijling

Tantrische dans donkere seksualiteit kundalini

Tantric Dance: Dark Sexuality & Kundalini

Tantric dance is a beautiful way to discover how the alchemy of life works for you! And we mean EVERYTHING in life, including sexuality and the parts of it that want to come to the light.

In tantric dance we work with the polarity of leading and surrender.

In this workshop we guide you to a place where you can bring in your liveliness as a leader. Do you dare to make an impact with your raw and wild side and to play with the flow of sexuality? Do you want to discover how you can continue to do this in connection with your follower?

And as a follower, are you willing to sink even deeper into surrender? To be surprised and to discover how you can remain fully present in your body?

We are experienced in working with kundalini and the sexual flow and ensure that it remains a safe environment. Feel welcome to discover, play and dance!

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Tantra Festival Den Haag


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