Sjors Boelaars

Sjors works as a tantric therapist and coach. His work is a powerful combination of classical tantric lineage practices, modern tantric methods and shadow work. “For me the only thing that counts is truth. Can we meet in truth, including our insecurities, fuckups and and not-knowing. This gives freshness and depth to life, moment to moment.”

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Esther Van Voorst

Esther is an expert on yoga for women. Her work is inspired by her teacher Francoice Freedman, founder of Birthlight. Esther's work is characterized by a form of yoga that is more specifically aimed at improving the well-being of women in all life cycle stages.

“Yoga came on my path about 20 years ago and has not let go of me since. I am fascinated by the feminine primal force, the source of infinite life energy, which resides in our pelvic area. In the last 15 years I have followed training courses in the field of yoga, breath, body-oriented psychotherapy, mystical dance, biodanza, meditation, tantra, bioenergetics and free movement. All these movements are a huge inspiration for my own yoga practice and the courses I give. In my yoga classes I interweave all these elements with the focus on connecting with our primal power, our life energy. This is the foundation from which creation arises. It is the primal source from which our beautiful feminine energy can flow freely. When we know how to connect the pelvic area with our heart and head, this gives a feeling of coming home in ourselves. From this anchor point you learn to feel better and better about what you need, to trust your intuition and to be at full strength in life. It is wonderful to see when women connect with their pelvic area - the primal force - and are able to create a free flow with movements that serve them in that specific moment."

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Ava Tamar

An Intimacy Coach and Tantric Bodyworker. She guides her clients towards more self-love, helps them to let go of shame and guilt about sexuality and to remind them of their own strength. She trained at ISTA and is now closely involved with the Beyond Temple. Together with her partner Amanda she gives Tantra and Feminine Embodiment workshops and retreats all over the world. She reminds you that it's okay to be raw and real - to actually start living your authentic truth.


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Amanda Biccum

Amanda Biccum is a Feminine Embodiment Mentor who guides women back into connection with their bodies, their pleasure and their sexuality. She firmly believes that our body is our temple and coming back ‘home’ to our bodies is the pathway to pleasure and deeply fulfilling relationships. She currently offers Tantric Massage/Bodywork, holds in-person workshops and training and is the founder of the Pleasure Academy for online training for women.

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